

Looking West from Mt. Chocorua, 2016. Kodak Portra/Pentax K-1000.




main south

Worcester, MA. 2009 (?) Ilford HP5, camera unknown

from a roll of film found in a shoebox
after I'd moved 7 or 8 times
and aged ten or so years.


off and down

Bristol, NH, 2016. Kodak Portra with Pentax K-1000.

Laid off and locked down now.
Not really locked down. Just laid low.
Will have to go out soon
for bananas, oranges, and more beer.
The woods are full
of birdsong though
and sunlight, spring sunlight
and I've been bushwhacking
boulder-gazing and tree-hugging.

I shot these pictures all at once
one day, one roll of film.
Spring, four years ago
rambling around town.



New Hampshire, 2017-2019. Rolleiflex and Kodak Portra.

This album is what these pictures sound like.


the edge

Spitalfield and Billy Talent at The Edge in Augusta, ME, 2002.

Shot on Tri-X with a Kodak point-and-shoot, some of the first film I ever developed by hand. Exhumed from a binder full of very terrible negatives from my high school years, though it is nice to look at the beginnings of something that became permanent. As I was cloning the plentiful dust and water stains from these frames I noticed that the Spitalfield guitarist has both Coldplay and The Bled stickers on his amp head. Heady times, to be sure.


the coast

The Bold Coast, Cutler, ME

Lubec, ME

West Quoddy Head, ME

Owl's Head Light, Penobscot Bay, ME

Laura at Two Lights, Cape Elizabeth, ME

All shot on Ilford Delta 100 with the Pentax K-1000 in 2011.



From a hotel room in Indianapolis, Indiana. July 2011. Kodak T-MAX with a Pentax K-1000.

From a hotel room in Willoughby, Ohio. August 2010. T-MAX with a Rolleiflex.

Isolated and drifting, on the road for two years, going nowhere.
It all seems laughable now. I saw America from the access roads, from the service elevators. I'm glad I did.


Brittany and I went camping and hiking in the Whites for our third anniversary, which I think was our first overnight without Wren since she had been born. First week of October, 2018. Top two are from Kinsman, which has become my personal holy mountain, and the third is square ledge from Mt. Hedgehog, a truly magical hill itself. Rolleiflex and Kodak Portra.

We're isolated at home now, officially. 
We have lots of beer.

Stay calm, listen to Just Mustard
They're from Ireland, and they're incredible. 
Like if My Bloody Valentine was better, plus trip hop.


Suddenly we are all in the wilderness - I find myself at home, unsure of what to do, worried about my family. Yesterday I paid too much attention, looked at my phone too many times, and by noon I felt like my head would explode, and all I could think about was my daughter and the type of pain I hope I never have to actually feel. Last night I suddenly remembered reading The Plague by Albert Camus years ago and I shuddered involuntarily. Now I don't know if I'll be going back to work on Monday. Maybe you don't either. My wife, who is a librarian, is in our living room as I write this, filming herself reading children's stories to upload to the community via social media while our daughter naps. I take pictures. Here are some pictures I have taken. I'll post some more every day-ish. The above photo was taken looking into the Pemigewasset Wilderness in the White Mountains from Mt. Liberty on Ilford HP5 film with a Nikkormat camera given to me by a friend.

Yesterday I left work at noon after a grim little gathering next to a big toolbox where we all looked at our feet and wondered what was going to happen. On the way home I stopped next to the Smith River and walked around in the rain for a little while. I saw this:

Stay calm. Listen to Against Me!